Sunday, April 26, 2009

Of Pizza and Plastic - The Sequel

So, a few weeks back, I bought some English muffins, cheese, and pepperoni to make mini pizzas. Which are just delicious.

I put a couple mini pizzas together, and stuck them in the microwave. I leave the microwave to do its business, and hang out on my computer until they are done. When I hear the beep, I go out to get my mini pizzas... and there is smoke everywhere. Apparently I had microwaved it a lot longer than I thought I did. (Note: the smoke alarm didn't ever go off. Maybe last time it went off we had unplugged it or something.)

So I made my way to the microwave, opened the door, and more smoke came out. It was bad. Charlene came out of her room as well, and came to see what happened. She got up on a chair to see in the mircorwave, and started laughing immediately. Once she got the microwave plate out, I saw that the mini pizzas were 100% charcoal black. We opened the front door and some windows, and took the plate outside. Charlene and I went to work on cleaning up the mess I had made. I started scrubbing the burn reside out of the microwave, and Charlene was outside throwing away the rock-hard mini pizzas. When she lifted up the plate, the pizzas stayed on, as well as the parts of the plate that were underneatht them. Those parts were completely melted. It was hilarious.

We successfully cleaned everything, but the smell of smoke lingered. I hoped it would fade in time, especially when we'd leave the door and windows open, but it still pretty much always smelled like smoke. After a few days, I bought an air freshener/odor remover because I felt bad. I think it helped, but now when you use the microwave, sometimes it still smells vaguely like smoke. It was quite the experience. And very funny.

This is what it looked like after Charlene lifted off the plate.


Sarah said...

LOL! That is utterly hilarious. You completely DESTROYED my plate. I love it. :)

Sammy said...

That is hilarious. Remind me to be careful next time I make those little pizzas!

~Rachel~ said...

You do seem to have difficulties with microwaves, Fluff. :)